Payment Processing

Are you tired of feeling like the money you earn is out of your control?

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Your Money

We don't charge ANY percentages. Everything is included with our low flat-rate monthly price. Get your money when you earn it and more of it!

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Fully Integrated

All data is automatically downloaded and synchronized with our other software. This is an extreme advantage in reducing errors in entering member contract data and delinquent accounts later.

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Simple Billing

Save time by cutting down cumbersome paperwork. Save money on printing invoices and billing statements. Save the environment by reducing your carbon footprint!

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It’s Your Money

Collect it when and how you want to and keep all of it.

Our powerful tools allows you to schedule both recurring and onetime payments. Insight’s online solution allows you to make onetime online payments from your members at point of sale or over the phone. This feature helps you conveniently keep track of membership dues and membership accounts. The recurring payment feature manages memberships and processes monthly dues in a timely automated manner at your request. With both features, you can also record and track payments received at any of your business locations.

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Insight does not take your late fees!
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Insight does not hold your financial accounts hostage!
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Insight does not limit when you get paid!
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Insight does allow you to choose your own payment gateway!
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Fully Integrated

Collect it when and how you want to and keep all of it.

The payment processing system is fully integrated into all of Insight’s software. This all-in-one system allows you to easily lookup member contracts and billing information. You are able to track the status of your members, their payment schedules and payment history.

It also allows you to see a history of any actions taken on your member’s accounts, whether it be follow up mailings, emails or phone calls. It also allows you the option of sending your members to collections if they are more than 90 days past due. Added security capabilities allow you to add and disable access keys to members accounts if applicable. All information is located on a secure website that is username and password protected and of course PCI compliant.

Simple Billing

Collect it when and how you want to and keep all of it.

Insight saves you time and money. Don’t waste your time in entering membership contract data at the end of each day. Insight has automatically done all this for you at the point of sale. Insight is paperless, thus saves you money on printing invoices and billing statements. By choosing Insight, you are also helping to prevent unneeded greenhouse gasses, and reducing the waste of excess paper of billing and coupon invoices.

As part of our pledge to never hold your money hostage, the way that we charge your members is through a payment gateway. You sign up for a payment gateway and link it to your business checking account and just give us API access to your payment gateway account. Because we interact with your payment gateway only though an API, we never have access to your money or your bank accounts. You might be surprised, but our approach is completely opposite from the way our industry typically handles your money.

For more information on configuring your payment gateway or merchant provider with Insight, check our knowledge base for articles on payment gateways.

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